Interfiber Analysis specializes in Transverse Interferometry The most sensitive fiber measurement technology available.
Our exclusive patent-pending Multi-Wavelength Optical Fiber Refractive Index Profiling Technology was first presented as Postdeadline Paper PDP A2 at OFC/NFOEC 2009 and has since been the subject of peer reviewed conference and journal publications.
Since the measurement is performed transversely (through
the side of the fiber), it is essentially non-destructive. Although
the fiber's polymer coating or buffer must be removed, the fiber itself
can continue to carry an optical signal during the measurement, and if
necessary the polymer coating can be restored to the fiber after the
measurement is completed.
The fundamentals of transverse
interferometry for optical fiber measurement are discussed in the
recent text Optical Fiber Fusion Splicing written by our technical
staff member Dr. Andrew D. Yablon (Springer Series in Optical Sciences,
vol. 103, 2005). This text is available for purchase directly from the
publisher ( and other fine booksellers (
brief pdf excerpt from this text discussing transverse interferometry
is provided by clicking on the link below. By clicking on this link
you are acknowledging that no duplication or distribution of this
excerpt is permitted and that this excerpt is © Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 2005.